Happy Monday -- Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine went by WAY TOO FAST! Why do the weekends fly by and the weeks move at a snails pace?
Friday was a lovely evening in. Make fun of me all you want, but I LOVE eating dinner, drinking wine, and watching a Modern Family marathon on Friday nights. After a long day of work, it's nice to just chill out sometimes. After work, I stopped by Whole Foods and got a few things while PR got Z Burger again (a double this time knowing that I would snag a few bites)...their dipping sauce is seriously amazing- almost better than their milkshakes! I came home to find that I had a package from my best friend Caitlin. When I opened it I discovered the cutest box. Inside was a reusable cup that had an X marked through the custom box, my name on it, and "Will you be my bridesmaid?" Obvi I start hysterically crying and was overwhelmed with joy. My best friend of 23 years is marrying her high school sweet heart. I've watched them grow as a couple since high school and can't think of two people more perfect for each other. Congrats Cait and Ty - SO EXCITED to start the wedding festivities and share this special time with ya'll.
THIS SAUCE!!! Pretty sure it's mayo and few other ingredients |
Caitlin and I in our amaze uniforms! My sister from anotha mista |
Saturday started out per usual. After GTLing I stopped by Jiffy Lube to get an oil change. This is always SO MUCH FUN! Anything that has to do with my car annoys the heck out of me. I don't want to complain, but taking care of some of these adult responsibilities can be quite challenging sometimes. After the car errands, I went home to shower and get ready for the football....What football game you ask? Bama vs. LSU..only the biggest game of the year next to the Championship. PR and I decided to go to this bar called Whitlow's in Clarendon. In the summers they open their rooftop bar is actually nice and can be a lot of fun. Downstairs it's not so bad either- they have a nice mix of tables for eating and seats at the bar for drinking. Oddly enough the bouncer at the door was wearing an Auburn hat and joked saying "he would kick me out of the bar later" when I asked if they were showing the Bama vs LSU game. Um guy, when your team loses to my team the past couple of years and when you pale in comparison to Bama, your jokes just are not that funny. How about I kick YOU out of the bar?
Whitlow's Rooftop- Take me back to summer! |
The bar- not the prettiest but filled with history...seriously though, the bar top is an old bowling lane and some of the "booths" are old church pews |
PR and I sat at the bar, order a drink and also ordered some wings. I proudly brought out my Bama koozie for all to see. Naturally, I cheered and made comments throughout. During the 1st quarter the bartender came by and gave PR and I two miller lites. He said "I was told to say..... from the guy at down there"...I had absolutely no idea what he said and didnt know what ..... meant so I just raised my drink and said Roll Tide! PR informed me that the guy was a Texas A&M fan and was probably cheering for Bama. From then on, every time Bama scored a touchdown we bought each other drinks. Eventually, the Texas A&M fan and his girlfriend moved down and sat next to us. Long story short, he went to a high school directly across the street from where I went to high school...What are the odds? Saturday night was so much fun, and I'm so glad Bama kicked some Tiger booty. Oh and shout out to the UCF Knights for also winning... Roll Knights?!
Did you guys see this?? Nick Saban has a soft side! Love a good hug after a great win |
Sunday was filled with more car things...I had to get my tires rotated and then a new tire put on...why did that take almost 2 hours?? WHY SEARS?? PR was nice enough to join me because when it comes to cars I have no idea what's going on...they could have told me that I needed to buy a whole new car right then and there and I probably would have believed them. SO I treated PR to a delicious lunch at Wendy's- JBC, nuggets and a large chocolate frosty...now that takes me back to my high school days. Later in the day I decided to make some home made sauce and meatballs. My grandma passed the recipe down to my mom and my mom taught me how to make it. Does it taste like my mom's? Nope and it probably never will. But I absolutely LOVE the smell of sauce and meatballs in the house. Then I made
Caramel-Pecan brownies. The frosting is SO DELICIOUS, I wanted to eat it with a spoon. The brownies turned out yummy, too- more on the fudgey side and I think I prefer the perfect mix of cake and fudgey brownies. I ended up going to bed at 8:30pm last night and it felt AMAZING! I want to go to bed at 8:30 every night -- but then I will miss all of my shows :(
ANDDDD now I'm hungry |
Hope you have a great week! Loving forward to next weekend, you guys!